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Are you looking for a unique and reliable referent to create your new building? Do you need to restructure or redevelop an old building or house?
Would you like to make better your living well-being and your life qualities standard?
For any of this needs, we can help you! Look for our services for professional and private clients. We want underline that our Ethic is to do everything always to respect the Environment and the well-being of those who live there.


The change of our territory, the innovation of the building techniques and the selection of the right materials, impose a constant formation to build new buildings always more high-performance, solid and in respect with the environment. With our high experience, we can guarantee you a total support and sustain you till the end of the construction of the work that you would like to accomplish, with well-defined times and costs.

Give a new life at buildings, to valorize the characteristics, the comfort, the security, the duration, the design and the final value is our big challenge. For this reason we provide our experience and our team to do every kind of restructuring, maintenance, energy and structural requalification of your old building with techniques and build materials avant-garde, to have an excellent result.

Living in a high seismic risk territory is extremely important the securing, improvement and the seismic adjustment of the existing real estate assets. With our specialized and qualified personnel, we can guarantee reliable and perfectly executed works.

Bio-Construction means respect the relation between man, building and environment; reducing most possible the impact of the buildings on health of people and on the environment, through a limited use of non-renewable resources and using materials not harmful.

Day by day, while our health is more compromise, is evident how is important the quality and the salubrity of the indoor air; elements which EdilCres based its operative philosophy, since the begin. The high experience in this job, give us the skill to do and to give advice of the best solutions needed to guarantee you a new life style that look to the future with greater well-being “Thermal – Acoustic – Luminous – Air Health – Living Space”.

Energy from renewable source as water, sun, wind and earth offer solutions very advantageous. Nowdays these technologies with a very good insulation and buildings management, even with home automation system and smart building, give us the opportunity to build or redevelop Buildings at Energy Near Zero, called also “NZEB”, or Active Buildings”: that is which produce more energy that we consume”. That means have buildings with energy cost very low and reduce a lot the pollution.

The solution keys in your hand gives you the opportunity to speak directly to us and to have a unique referent to relation with for the realization of the work. In this way you will get many advantageous as: cost optimization, defined budget and unchangeable during the construction process, and shorter time of the executive works. Our goal is make free yourself from all thoughts, taking care of everything you need, so as to make you live this experience in full serenity and with less responsibility.

Our proven experience in construction field, the careful of your needs and wishes, whether you are a private individual or a professional, it will allow you to rely at the right partner that can give you advice, technique and project assistance during all the phases of the building realization. Our precious advices can help you and make you feel more relaxed to face the build process, with the certainty to get the best result.

If you don’t have a reliable professional, our technique staff have the competence to manage all the bureaucratic documents to do the job, even all the documentation to get the important Fiscal Benefits “BONUS” that the State makes available.

The awareness to do quality jobs and in a workmanlike manner, allow us to give to our clients a Certain Guarantee of our work done. Thanks to the specialization in energy efficiency, well-being, environment protection and to the numerous certifications of our technical staff got during the years; we can offer work processes that guarantee to get a Certification issues from an third Party relative at Energy Quality, House Quality, Environmental Quality, even more to get a Certification of Indoor Salubrity of the building. Another guarantee for the client of the excellent job that we do every day.


Growing up in the construction site, I could learn very well the construction profession and discover every secret of the building field. The experience and the passion for this job give me the opportunity to continue the family tradition as construction entrepreneur, creating EdilCRES: a construction business around Ancona province, specialized in building, restructuration and requalification.

Since always I am inclined at a life style healthy and dynamic, with the goal to redevelop the territory and improve the standard of living of the habitant; conjugating tradition, innovation, quality, experience and passion.
Thanks to this I am passionate and specialized in eco-sustainable building: all the techniques based on the environmental protection and on new construction criterions at the service of the house comfort and of the health of who live in it. A passionate activity where the technical- scientific skills come to the work in the construction site, where I have got support of a faithful team workers, adopting a “sartorial” construction method that allows us to achieve building works that are like “made-to-measure clothing” to the wishes and demands of customers.

The strong interest for the eco-sustainable building pushed me to test directly the benefits making my home a “laboratory house”. An experience that make me live every day in first person this innovation and understand really the benefits and the advantages which you can have living in a house that respect these important constructions standard.

Claudio Moronci


Experience attested and certified by


The practice competence with an accurate scientific competence allows us to support private individual and professional to evaluate and identify, on the place or at the table, the best solutions for any demand. Only through a correct and complete analysis is in fact possible plan in a careful and rigorous way, both a single and limited maintenance intervention, and a complex plan of a new construction or restructuration and requalification. A fundamental approach that, even to avoid unnecessary dispersions of time and costs, insure a control of the matter at 360 grades, guaranteeing a work flow constant in the construction site, with certain executive time of the work and respecting the budget already agreed. The executive phases are the steps more practice of our job, that is where “we get our hands dirty”. Here comes into play our solid net of specialized collaborators, which involve installers, craftsman and others reality historical linked to us, capable to achieve all the works agreed and desired, ensuring maximum safety and peacefulness for both the client and the technical designers. We want to be a point of reference for our territory.


A strong desire for innovation and the care for the environment, brought us to invest in formation and resource to propose new construction solutions that aim to the energy saving, to the best house comfort and to the environment sustainability.

To Redevelop or building sustainable properties and eco-compatible, is necessary a team play, because during the project, production and management phases of a green building, everyone carry out a fundamental role. The project manager, the client, the builder: all of these must have a common vision triggering an eco-sustainable design and implementation process, drawing up in advance a strong reduction of the costs of the energy not renewable and reduce in a significant way, thanks of the use of eco compatible materials, the negative impact of the house structures on the health of the people and on the environment, offering in the same time, an high living comfort. To consider a building eco-sustainable and get right results during the whole life cycle, will have to, since the project step, take into account a series of precautions as: - downsize as much as possible the costs of the not renewable resource, to could get an energy cost equal zero;
- reduce the emissions that have a negative impact inside the building and on the environment;
- reduce of disposal (solid, liquid, from demolitions, waste water, rainwater), where come consequent pollution problems;
- get the best living comfort requirements: in term of air quality – by reducing the use of materials that present the risk of exposure to the chemical agents present in the materials themselves – thermogrometric conditions, illumination, acoustic and eye perception, to give to people comfort conditions from physiologic and psychological point of view.

The quality in the construction field becoming more a synonymous of buildings at high energy efficiency, but we must do even more to increase the value of the Bio-construction techniques.


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